Building 7, in the Annapolis Business Park, is a follow on building from the award-winning Building 6 in the same development. While Building 6 was the first in the world to meet the Department of Defense Medium Level Criteria for Blast resistance, Building 7 is the first to meet this same level of protection for both Blast Resistance and Progressive Collapse. This criterion is distinctively different and more stringent than GSA levels of protection, although they are often confused. Below find the description of the criteria Building 7 meets from the Blast Engineers text to the government:
“Per the Antiterrorism Building Standards for Leased Facilities memo dated 7 December 2012, the Department of Defense (DoD) will utilize the Federal security standards of the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) into the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) for an off-installation facility spaced leased by the DoD. These design requirements are incorporated into the UFC 4-010-01 Department of Defense Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings dated 1 October 2013. For the previous buildings on the AJBP campus, the main building façade and structural components (i.e. windows, tilt wall panels, structural components, and progressive collapse) were designed to meet the AT/FP and blast medium level of protection (LOP) criteria requirements per UFC 4-010-01. The AJBP buildings will also meet the ISC dated 12 April 2010 Facility Security Level (FSL) III requirements. Designing the main building components for a UFC 4-010-01 medium LOP can typically be expected to meet the ISC FSL III AT/FP and blast requirements because of the stricter requirements of the UFC 4-010-01, which results in a more hardened shell.”
The innovation in Building 7 includes the use of 30’ wide panels at four-stories tall on 14’-6” floor-to-floor heights, to meet the “lost leg” analysis required, ribbon window appearance, curtain wall entries (both difficult to do for the DoD criteria), high glass-to-wall ratio, approaching 50% and nominal panels of 13-1/2” inches thick increased to 16-1/2” for the ribbon window aesthetic panels. Building 7 has achieved LEED Gold Certification.
Building 8, in the Annapolis Business Park near Ft. Meade Maryland, is a follow on building from the award-winning building 7 in the same development and meets the Department of Defense Medium Level Criteria for Blast Resistance and Progressive Collapse. The project has achieved LEED Gold certification for the core and shell. This building is part of a larger campus of buildings of similar performance capabilities.