Intermarine is a marine logistics and ocean transport provider focusing on the needs of breakbulk, heavylift, drybulk, and project cargo with a fleet of more than 55 advanced multi-purpose vessels. The project is located at industrial terminals – a 95-acre site directly adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel functioning as Intermarine’s primary load and staging center for cargo and projects.
We started the project with a myriad of site and building configurations to optimize the building’s potential to serve as a business development strategy for the company. We sited the building at the terminus of Industrial Road and then dodged every existing subterranean obstacle imaginable with the building’s relatively small foundation – approximately 5,000 sf.
After determining that the interior environment produced from the literal strategy was less than desirable, we began studying various elements and materials that could act as an artifice to index what we found provocative about the shipping processes. We decided that artifice was the active catalyst to architecturalizing the containers. Referring to the containers opened iconographic and spacial opportunities that actually using them cannot.