This project consists of a two-story, 60,000 SF office building with an attached laboratory and a 60,000 sf, 32’ clear height manufacturing warehouse as one of the first commercial buildings in the Ellington Field Spaceport. The building is a load bearing tilt-wall construction, slab-on-grade, composite floor slabs above, and steel bar joist roof structure.
This joint venture between the City of Houston and Griffin Partners will also host Houston’s first-ever incubator supporting spaceflight, with a dedicated 10,000 square-foot area for start-ups and universities to collaborate on solving critical space technology challenges, including robotics, medicine and additive manufacturing.
Collins Aerospace is the primary tenant and will focus on the manufacturing of the new spacesuit for NASA the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU). With missions to the moon and Mars in the near future, Collins Aerospace’s EMU suit is a trusted and reliable choice for keeping astronauts comfortable and well. This project is permitted through BSG with the Houston Airport System.